싱가포르 지역에서도 스타크래프트2 런칭 파티가 열린다. 다른 지역은 전야제 형태로 진행되는 것과 다르게, 싱가포르는 당일 구매와 동시에 이벤트에 참석하는 형식이다. 특히 눈에 띄는 점은, 사전 예약 주문을 한 다음에 당일 현장에 선착순으로 제품을 현물로 교환하는 1337 명에게 한정판 군번줄을 제공한다는 점이다. 당일 아침부터 줄을 미리 서서 기다릴 수 있다.
StarCraft II Launch Event - Singapore
by Ztala
At midnight on July 27, 2010 interplanetary conflict will ignite anew, as StarCraft® II: Wings of Liberty™ hits shelves at retail locations throughout the world!
At the Funan DigitalLife Mall, Singapore, Blizzard Entertainment will be on hand to celebrate the launch of the game with players and sign newly released copies. Lines begin forming the morning of July 27 and activities will begin at 10:00am. Quantities are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to arrive early!
In addition to the game itself, there will be special prize giveaways, on-stage multiplayer matches, live music, and more. So don’t miss out on the excitement; head over to Funan Digital Life mall in Singapore during the morning of the 27th and be among the first to celebrate the arrival of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty with Blizzard Entertainment. In the words of Tychus Findlay, “Hell, it’s about time....”
Venue: Funan DigitaLife Mall, 109 North Bridge Road
Date: 27.07.2010
Time: Activities begin at 10:00am
Let us know you're coming by doing an RSVP on our Facebook Event Page and join our official Facebook StarCraft SEA Page!
원문: http://beta-sea.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/12518