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작성자 아이콘 Aeneas
작성일 2011-09-07 14:42:07 KST 조회 475
System.Cyprus and Tiberius.Rancor

- Added icons.
- Kingdom of Terra reworked: Each time a unit dies near Cyprus, a Stone Pillar is raised in its place for 6

- Terrablink cooldown increased to 25/22/19/16, up from 15/13/11/9.
- Terrablink energy cost increased to 120 at all levels, up from 60.
- Terrablink now leaves behind a trail of Stone Pillars, up to 4, based on the distance traveled.
- Seismic Wave damage decreased to 50/75/100/125 (+10% INT) immediate damage, down from 60/90/120/150 (+7%INT)
- Seismic Wave pillar bonus damage decreased to 15/20/25/30 (+1% INT) per pillar, down from 20/30/40/50 (+2%INT)
- Seismic Wave pillar bonus damage area of effect increased to 3.5, up from 2.7.
- Seismic Wave cooldown increased to 10 at all levels, up from 9.
- Fist of Gaia cooldown increased to 90/80/70, up from 90/75/60.
- Fist of Gaia cast range increased to 8, up from 7.
- Attack range increased to 5.5, up from 5.3.




- Resourcefulness reworked: Rancor gets a +LVL*10% bonus effect to all consumables.
- Rancor weapon range increased to 6.5, up from 6.
- Satellite Vision cooldown decreased to 40/30/20/10, down from 60/45/30/15.
- Dead Eye Lockdown cooldown decreased to 12, down from 15.
- Dead Eye Lockdown now has a break range of 5, up from 1.
- Dead Eye Lockdown energy cost decreased to 70/85/100/115, down from 95/110/125/140.
- Dead Eye Cloak Field now boosts movement speed by (2%/50 AGI), up from (1%/50 AGI).
- Dead Eye Cloak Field energy cost reduced to 70, down from 90.
- Dead Eye Cloak Field cooldown decreased to 60/45/30/15, down from 60 at all levels.
- Attacking out of Dead Eye Cloak Field now supresses cloak for 1.5 seconds, down from 3.
- Armageddon recharge time decreased to 20 seconds, up from 25.
- Armageddon energy cost reduced to 70/90/110, down from 8/95/110.
- Armageddon now has a 1 second delay between uses.
- Armageddon damage increased to 150/250/350 (+5% INT) damage, up from 80/150/220 (+8% INT).
- Armageddon now slows enemies by 30% for 5 seconds.


랭커 유저 분들 축하드립니다 엄청난 상향이군요


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발도장 찍기
그림자1 (2011-09-07 14:50:13 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
추적은 하향인건가 =ㅁ=
아이콘 DDorothy (2011-09-07 14:52:01 KST)
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헐.... 추적자 평타캐릭으로 만드네....
아이콘 king7 (2011-09-07 15:03:08 KST)
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추적 하향 = 민케,지케 상향
아이콘 king7 (2011-09-07 15:03:22 KST)
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그건 그렇고 랭커 개쩌넹;;;;;
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-07 16:32:57 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
얼씨구 ^_^ 이제 뾱 막써도 캐스팅 취소되는일이 없는건가.
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-07 16:38:58 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
추적자는 블링크하면 블링크 한 자리에서 블링크 된 자리(?) 까지 기둥이 쫙~ 하고 나오는건가 ㅁ-ㅁ;;
딱딱딱 (2011-09-07 16:43:31 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-07 16:58:20 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
근데 클락쿨타임 15초 저거는 다시 바뀔거같은데 ㅇ-ㅇ;;
아이콘 밟힌새싹(LuNa) (2011-09-07 17:01:15 KST)
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와우!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
대박 랭커~~
아이콘 비랑새 (2011-09-07 18:55:29 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아이콘 HIRIHARA (2011-09-07 21:49:21 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아 추젖 요즘 시작했는데 망할;;; 맨드도 고인돼고 ㅠㅠ
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