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작성자 아이콘 .아오오니
작성일 2011-12-25 10:16:24 KST 조회 312
탈렌트 원본

Talents, are a new addition introduced to sotis at v4.12, that essentialy provide small bonuses to the player.

Most talents are passive, but some talents are active, and have a 5 mintue cooldown.

The player can only have 2 active talents at a time, and can use them by pressing d or f.

The Offense Tree.PNG
Offensive Tree

The offensive tree is a tree that, as named, improves the offensive capabilities of the user, mainly physical improvements, with a few caster improvements such as increased spell damage.

Tier 1 - Offensive Tree

Tier one offense.PNG

Tier one consists of 3 talents, and requires no points in the offense tree to activate.

Mental FocusHunter's EdgeDeadly Aim
Mental Focus.pngHunter's Edge.pngDeadly Aim.png
[1/2] +0.5% Spell Damage

[1/2] +4% Weapon Damage against non-heroic units

[1/3] +1% Critical Hit Chance
[2/2] +1% Spell Damage[2/2] +4% Weapon Damage against non-heroic units[2/3] +2% Critical Hit Chance

[3/3] +3% Critical Hit Chance

Tier 2 - Offensive Tree

Tier two offense.PNG

Tier 2 consists of 2 talents, and requires 4 points in the offense tree to activate.

[1/3] +1% Time Scale[1/3] Your critical hits lower the target's armor by 25 for 6 seconds
[2/3] +2% Time Scale[2/3] Your critical hits lower the target's armor by 50 for 6 seconds
[3/3] +3% Time Scale[3/3] Your critical hits lower the target's armor by 75 for 6 seconds

Tier 3 - Offensive Tree

Tier three offense.PNG

Tier 3 consists of 2 talents, and requires 8 points in the offense tree to activiate.

Sharpened Steel also requires [3/3] points in Deadly Aim

MadnessSharpened Steel
Madness.pngSharpened Steel.png
[1/1] You gain 3% weapon damage after using an ability[1/3] +2% Critical strike damage
[2/3] +4% Critical strike damage
[3/3] +6% Critical strike damage

Tier 4 - Offensive Tree

Tier four offense.PNG

Tier four only has 1 talent, and requires 10 points in the offense tree to activate.

[Active] Reduce a target's spell damage, weapon damage and movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds

Tier 5 - Offensive Tree

Tier five offense.PNG

Tier five has 2 talents, and requires 12 points in the offense tree to activate.

[1/3] +2% Weapon Damage[1/2] +1% Time
[2/3] +4% Weapon Damage[2/2] +2% Time
[3/3] +6% Weapon Damage

Tier 6 - Offensive Tree

Tier six offense.PNG

Tier six only has 1 talent, and requires 12 points in the offense tree to activate.

Disorienting Blow
Disorienting Blow.png
[1/1] Your attacks have a 10% chance to reduce the target's movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds

Tier 7 - Offensive Tree

Tier seven only has 1 talent, and requires 15 points and [2/2] points in haste in the offense tree to activate.

Tier seven offense.PNG

[Active] You deal 15% more damage, and gain +25% movement speed for 15 seconds.

Defensive Tree

Defense Tree.PNG

The defensive tree is a tree that, as named, improves the defensive capabilities of the user, such as increasing evade percentage, healtth regen, armor and health max.

Tier 1 - Defensive Tree

Tier 1 Defence.PNG

Tier one consists of 2 talents, and requires no points in the defense tree to activate.

Heat ResistantReflex Training
Heat Resistant.PNGReflex Training.PNG
[1/3] +0.5% Spell Resistance[1/3] +2% Evasion
[2/3] +1% Spell Resistance[2/3] +4% Evasion
[3/3] +1.5% Spell Resistance[3/3] +6% Evasion

Tier 2 - Defensive Tree

Tier 2 Defence.png

Tier 2 consists of 3 talents, and requires 4 points in the defense tree to activate.

Artful Dodger also requires [3/3] points in artful dodger to activate.

Enduring PulseHardened SteelArtful Dodger
Enduring Pulze.pngHardened Steel.PNGArtful Dodger.png
[1/3] +0.1 Health Regeneration[1/3] +50 Armor[1/1] After evading an attack, you gain +10% movement speed for 8 seconds.
[2/3] +0.1 Health Regeneration[2/3] +50 Armor
[3/3] +0.1 Health Regeneration[3/3] +50 Armor

Tier 3 - Defensive Tree

Tier 3 Defence.png

Tier 3 consists of 2 talents, and requires 8 points in the defense tree to activiate.

[1/1] Reduces all incoming damage by 2[1/3] +25 Total Health
[2/3] +50 Total Health
[3/3] +75 Total Health

Tier 4 - Defensive Tree

Tier 4 Defence.png

Tier four only has 1 talent, and requires 10 points and a point in Artful Dodger in the defense tree to activate.

[Active] +50% Evasion for 8 seconds

Tier 5 - Defensive Tree

Tier 5 Defence.png

Tier five has 2 talents, and requires 12 points in the defense tree to activate.

Resilience also requires [3/3] points in fortitude.

Templar's ResolveResilience
Templars Resolve.pngResilience.png
[1/3] +1% Weapon Speed and Spell Damage[1/2] +0.5% Damage Resistance
[2/3] +2% Weapon Speed and Spell Damage[2/2] +0.5% Damage Resistance
[3/3] +3% Weapon Speed and Spell Damage

Tier 6 - Defensive Tree

Tier 6 Defence.png

Tier six only has 1 talent, and requires 12 points in the defense tree to activate.

[1/1] 15% chance when hit by a physical attack to return 100% of the damage

Tier 7 - Defensive Tree

Tier 7 Defence.png

Tier seven only has 1 talent, and requires 15 points in the defense tree to activate.

Last Stand
Last Stand.png
[Active] You gain 160 +LVL*40 to your maximum health for 8 seconds, After the effect expires, the health is lost.

Utility Tree

Utility Tree.PNG

The utility tree provides bonuses that affet the general gameplay, without directly buffing the user's defenses or offensive powers, such as timescale, energy, mspd and exp increase.

Tier 1 - Utility Tree

Tier 1 Utility.png

Tier one consists of 3 talents, and requires no points in the utility tree to activate.

Energy ReservesOcular ImplantsCommitment

Energy Reserve.PNG

Ocular Implants.PNGCommitment.png
[1/2] +20 Energy

[1/2] +1 Sight Radius

[1/2] -7.5% off respawn timer
[2/2] +40 Energy[2/2] +2 Sight Radius[2/2] -15% off respawn timer

Tier 2 - Utility Tree

Tier 2 Utility.png

Tier 2 consists of 2 talents, and requires 4 points in the utility tree to activate.

[1/3] Recover 0.03% of your energy and health every game second[1/3] +0.08 Energy Regeneration
[2/3] Recover 0.06% of your energy and health every game second[2/3] +0.16 Energy Regeneration
[3/3] Recover 0.09% of your energy and health every game second[3/3] +0.24 Energy Regeneration

Tier 3 - Utility Tree

Tier 3 Utility.png

Tier 3 only has 1 talent, and requires 8 points in the utility tree to activiate.


[1/1] You gain an additional 2 minerals every 10 seconds

Tier 4 - Utility Tree

Tier 4 Utility.png

Tier four has 2 talent, and requires 10 points in the utility tree to activate.

Gifted PupilSwiftness
Gifted Pupil.pngSwiftness.PNG
[1/2] +2% Experience Gain[1/2] +1.5% Movespeed
[2/2] +4% Experience Gain[2/2] +3% Movespeed

Tier 5 - Utility Tree

Tier 5 Utility.png

Tier five has 2 talents, and requires 12 points in the utility tree to activate.

[Active] Teleports up to 5 units away.[1/2] +2% Timescale
[2/2] +4% Timescale

Tier 6 - Utility Tree

Tier 6 Utility.png

Tier six has 2 talent, and requires 12 points in the utility tree to activate.

Savvy also requires [3/3] points in Regeneration.


Brain Surgeon

[1/2] Each time you kill or assist a hero kill, you recover 10% of your health and energy[1/2] After using an ability, you gain +3% timescale
[2/2] Each time you kill or assist a hero kill, you recover 20% of your health and energy[2/2] After using an ability, you gain +6% timescale

Tier 7 - Utility Tree

Tier 7 Utility.png

Tier seven only has 1 talent, and requires 15 points in the utility tree to activate.

[Active] Reduce all cooldowns by 8 seconds.

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