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작성일 | 2012-03-03 11:11:32 KST | 조회 | 951 |
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UED의 영역에 대해서
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The failure of the colonization project ruined Routhe's reputation. Encouraged by his enemies, the media portrayed him as a classic mad scientist and hounded him off Earth. Attempts to hide in the Centauri colonies failed when he was identified there as well. Finally, Routhe was forced to flee to the Tau Ceti comet farms where he died in obscurity.
-스타위키에서 발췌
프로젝트 실패 후 센타우리 식민지에 숨었고, 거기서도 발각되자 라우스는 타우 케티의 혜성 농장으로 도망쳤고, 그곳에서 의문사 당한다.
스타 위키의 UED 항목에서도
Known Terratories 항목의 항성계 소항목에는
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타우 세티
태양계, 위의 언급된 셋이 전부입니다
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