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작성자 퓌터잭슨
작성일 2006-02-23 14:50:38 KST 조회 7,371
리치킹.. 얼음왕좌의 주인..
Fighter-1, Healer-4, Shaman-10, Wizard-10, Necromancer-10
The Lich King

Medium Undead (Independant, Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 35d12 (420 hp)*
Initiative: +14
Speed: 0 ft. (0 squares)
Armor Class: 13* (-5 Dex, +8 deflection), touch 13, flat-footed 13
Base Att/Grapple: +13/--
Attack: Spell +13 ranged touch
Full Attack: Spell +13 ranged touch
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Aura of despair, death pact 3/day, dominate monster 5/day, elemental mastery 5/day, frightful presence (DC 35), mind blast, rebuke living, rebuke undead/outsiders, spell-like abilities, spells, undead mastery
Special Qualities: Darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, animate minions, detect undead/outsiders, DR 15/bludgeoning, elemental companion, evil touch, fast healing 5, immunity to cold, fire, and transmutation*, resistance to acid 20 and electricity 20*, spell resistance 32*, spontaneous casting (inflict wounds spells), telepathy 100 ft., the Frozen Throne, weather sense, undead traits
Saves: Fort +29, Ref --, Will +41
Abilities: Str --, Dex --, Con --, Int 30, Wis 32, Cha 27
Skills: Concentration +19, Craft (alchemy) +37, Heal +15, Hide --, Knowledge (arcana) +22, Knowledge (history) +20, Knowledge (the planes) +25, Knowledge (religion) +23, Knowledge (undead) +30, Listen +25, Move Silently --, Search +22, Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +48, Spot +25
Feats: Battle Cry, Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Craft Wondrous Items, Dodge, Epic Spellcasting, Improved Initiative, Improved Metamagic, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Still Spell
Environment: Icecrown Glacier
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 35
Treasure: Helm of Domination
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: --
Level Adjustment: --

Within the Icecrown Glacier stands a tall, spiral staircase. Ascending to the zenith for what seems like an eternity, the Frozen Throne comes into a view. Wisps of cold air visibily trail off a tall, jagged block of bluish ice. A spiked black helm is encased within the center, speaking in maddening whispers.

Discovering the orcs of Draenor and their potential for destruction, the demon lord Kil'jaeden made a pact with the shaman Ner'zhul, seducing him with promises of power. Through Ner'zhul, Kil'jaeden transformed the orcs into a bloodthirsty, savage race. Yet Ner'zhul would not give his people entirely to the Legion, and so Kil'jaeden turned to his apprentice, Gul'dan. Gul'dan and his Shadow Council were able to summon Mannoroth the Destructor, cursing the orcs with bloodlust for many years. When the Dark Portal to Azeroth was opened by Medivh, the orcs spilled through. Though they were defeated, Ner'zhul was not concerned by this - he wished to find new worlds, and rebuild the society of his people without any influence from the demons. Ner'zhul had his men acquire several artifacts, and began to open portals to new worlds - unfortunately, these portals began to tear the planet apart. With Draenor about to explode at any moment, Ner'zhul fled through one of his portals.
Ner'zhul arrived in the Twisting Nether, where he and his followers were captured by Kil'jaeden. Furious that Ner'zhul sought to betray him, Kil'jaeden proved his will inescapable by tearing the shaman limb from limb. The demon kept Ner'zhul's spirit intact, so that the old orc would continue to suffer, unable to die. Ner'zhul was offered one last chance to serve the Legion, or suffer forever - driven mad by his torture, Ner'zhul readily agreed. His spirit was encased within a block of diamond-hard ice from the far reaches of the planes, and sent crashing down to Azeroth, landing in Northrend. Ner'zhul's warlock and death knight followers were remade as liches, bound to Ner'zhul's iron will.
Conquering the natives of Northrend, including the nerubians, the Lich King was joined by Kel'Thuzad, who helped begin the scourging of Lordaeron. This set in motion events that would destroy Lordaeron and allow for the invasion of the Burning Legion. In truth, Ner'zhul wished to thwart the dreadlords sent to police him, and once again trick Kil'jaeden - he sought to take possession of a mortal body, and free himself from the Frozen Throne.

Ner'zhul spirit is trapped within the Frozen Throne, completely unable to move or interact with anything, save via his psionic and magical powers. As such, he uses his complete control over the dead to keep himself well defended until such time as he can escape his prison.
Animate Minions (Su): Ner'zhul ability to control undead is far greater than a normal lich's due to his supreme mastery of undeath. He can control 1,750 HD worth of undead creatures. If he exceeds this amount, any excess undead become uncontrolled, but may not attack or impede him or his minions.
Aura of Despair (Su): Ner'zhul radiates a malign aura that causes enemies within 10 feet of him to suffer a -2 morale penalty on all saving throws.
Death Pact (Sp): This ability functions like the spell of the same name. Ner'zhul may use death pact 3/day. He casts death pact as a 10th-level sorcerer.
Detect Undead/Outsiders (Su): Ner'zhul continually detects undead as though under the effects of a detect undead spell. He detect outsiders in the same way.
Dominate Monster (Su): As a standard action, 5/day, Ner'zhul can utilize the powers of his helm to cast dominate monster as a 35th-level sorcerer (Will save DC 35 negates).
Elemental Companion (Su): Ner'zhul may summon a Small elemental companion. This summoned elemental cannot be turned, rebuked, or commanded by any third party. The elemental serves as a companion to and can communicate with Ner'zhul. He may have only one elemental companion at a time. If the elemental companion is destroyed or if Ner'zhul dismisses it, he must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude save. If he fails, Ner'zhul loses 1200 XP. A successful saving throw reduces the loss by half. A destroyed or dismissed elemental cannot be replaced for a year and a day. Ner'zhul has not yet used this ability.
Elemental Mastery (Su): The spirits of the elements are Ner'zhul's to command. He rebukes and controls elements the same as a 14th-level PHB evil cleric rebukes or commands undead. Apply the relevant elemental Hit Dice to the undead HD chart (PHB, Chapter 8: Combat, "Turn or Rebuke Undead"). Ner'zhul may also bolster elementals he controls in the same way that a PHB evil cleric bolsters undead. Ner'zhul may attempt to control elementals 5/day.
Evil Touch (Ex): Ner'zhul may prepare spells from the evil domain as divine spells and casts evil spells at +1 caster level.
Mind Blast (Su): At will, as a standard action, Ner'zhul can unleash a massive psionic attack in a cone 60 feet long. Anyone caught in this cone must succeed at a DC 35 will save or suffer 2d8 points of Charisma damage.
Rebuke Living (Su): Ner'zhul may channel negative energy to rebuke (awe) creatures of non-evil alignment as a 20th-level cleric rebukes undead (see the PHB). Ner'zhul makes the equivalent of a turn check. Living creatres of the appropriate level are rebuked and must cower as if in awe (attack rolls against that creature are at a +2 bonus). The effect lasts 10 rounds.
Rebuke Undead/Outsiders (Su): Ner'zhul has the ability to rebuke/command undead and outsiders as a 30th-level cleric (see the PHB).
Spell-like Abilities: At will-cause fear, death knell, death ward, destruction, mana drain, slay living, sound burst (quickened), telekinesis (quickened), teleport without error (self and gear only), wail of the banshee. These abilities are psionic in origin, but are otherwise as the spells cast by a 35th-level sorcerer (save DC 18 + spell level). Ner'zhul can still only use one quickened spell per round.
Spells: As a 15th-level healer, with access to the shaman spell list, and a 20th level wizard, with access to the necromancer spell list.
Typical Divine Spells Prepared (6/8/8/8/8/6/6/5/4; save DC 21 + spell level): 0-detect magic (x2), mending (x2), read magic (x2); 1st-bane, curse water, divine favour, doom, entropic shield, obscuring mist (x2), stasis trap; 2nd-augury (x2), hold person (x2), silence (x2), sound burst (x2); 3rd-blindness/deafness (x2), lesser death coil (silent, still) (x2), deeper darkness (x2), entangling roots, serpent ward; 4th-dispel magic (silent, still), bloodlust (silent, still) (x2), bestow curse (silent, still) (x2), death coil (silent, still); 5th-divination (silent, still), sending (silent, still) (x2), obscuring mist (still, quickened) (x2); 6th-unhallow (silent, still), cone of cold (silent, still), harm, stoneskin, word of recall; 7th-dispel magic (still, quickened) (x2), chain lightning (silent, still), frost nova (maximized, silent, still); 8th-earthquake (silent, still), replusion (silent, still)
Typical Arcane Spells Prepared (5/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/6/6; save DC 20 + spell level): 0-daze (x2), disrupt undead, light (x2); 1st-alarm (x3), endure elements (x2), hold portal (x3); 2nd-cripple, detect thoughts, magic missile (silent, still) (x3), see invisibility, spectral hand (x2); 3rd-cripple (silent, still) (x2), unholy frenzy (silent, still), protection from elements (x2), nondetection (x2); 4th-frost nova (silent, still) (x3), dimensional anchor, detect scrying, vampiric touch (silent, still), scrying, slow (silent, still); 5th-dominate person, greater death coil (silent, still) (x3), hold monster, prying eyes; 6th-carrion swarm (silent, still), disintegrate, freezing sphere, cone of cold (silent, still), geas/quest, legend lore, true seeing; 7th-disintegrate (stilled, silent), freezing sphere (silent, still), circle of death (silent, still), greater scrying, greater dispel magic (silent, still), limited wish; 8th-finger of death (silent, still) (x2), mass charm, ice storm (silent, still) (x2), wall of ice (quickened); 9th-horrid wilting (silent, still), power word kill, soul bind, time stop, wish (x2).
The Frozen Throne: Ner'zhul spirit is trapped within the Frozen Throne. Until the throne is destroyed, it is impossible to harm him directly. If the throne is damaged, Ner'zhul suffers one negative level per week. Should the throne be destroyed, Ner'zhul's spirit inhabits the Helm of Domination, and is able to make any actions. If a soulless body does not come into contact with both the Helm of Domination and Frostmourne within one day, Ner'zhul is destroyed.
The throne has AC 10 (-1 size, -5 Dex, +6 natural), damage reduction 30/magic, immunity to cold and transmutation, resistance to sonic 10, fire 10, acid 20 and electricity 20, spell resistance 32, hardness 30 and 20 hit points.
*Due to his imprisonment, many of Ner'zhul statistics (hit points, armor class, resistances, spell resistance, etc.) may not be relevant. Use the statistics for the Frozen Throne instead.
Undead Mastery (Su): At will-animate dead, create undead, and create greater undead spells cast as a 35th-level cleric. In addition, he casts these spells as quickened spells rather than their normal casting times. He can still only cast one quickened spell per round.
Weather Sense (Su): Ner'zhul gets a +10 circumstance bonus to his DC 15 Survival check to know what the weather will be like for the next 24 hours.

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