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작성자 아이콘 고철덩어리거인
작성일 2010-09-17 09:25:20 KST 조회 316
여기가 랩소디 갤러리 인가여? ( 5 )







Triumph for my magic steel


Flies to where old dragons are lying the cry for the triumph for my magic sword


Burns the pride of my mighty conscience while rises the sceptre of our wise lord


So thunder and storm, the rage of the sword the fury of my war


The axe of the dwarf, the blood on the stone the scream for the eternal


Rage in the wind at the triumph for my magic steel


you will taste the blade of the ancient sword...


and Rage in the wind at the triumph for my magic steel


led by hundreds of mighty and fallen lords


Dead, laments and unholy sorrow The heads of the fallen are staining the snow


May this be the last hated cruel war I'm looking at my skies but they answer not!


So thunder and storm, the rage of the sword the fury of my war


The axe of the dwarf, the blood on the stone the scream for the eternal


Rage in the wind at the triumph for my magic steel


you will taste the blade of the ancient sword...


and Rage in the wind at the triumph for my magic steel


led by hundreds of mighty and proudly fallen brave lords


Old cathedrals dusty graves where nest the seeds of holy victory


Blood from old crypts gushing out to drown the deadly cosmic enemy


Steel all around for the king and his crown


Winds of the dawn are caressing us all...


Ancelot smiles at the knights' epic cry


Thanks to the old and their emerald sword


The kingdom is now hailing the triumph over Dargor and he the man from Loregard he stands in front of all...



...of all!


엑월 게시판 어차피 엑월도 망한거 랩소디로 달리자!

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아이콘 듀퐁카길   |  
아이콘 [LotR] (2010-09-17 09:32:13 KST)
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이러다가 단체블럭먹는거아닐짘ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아이콘 J.J.HyuK. (2010-09-17 09:39:06 KST)
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[단체 블럭먹을 확률: 61%]
본 댓글은 주사위를 정상적으로 굴려 작성되었음을 보증합니다.
아이콘 youphobic (2010-09-17 20:55:51 KST)
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랩소디 명곡 에메랄드소드는 없나요?
OverSeer_ (2010-09-18 13:37:28 KST)
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