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작성자 아이콘 Lakia
작성일 2009-03-13 19:52:11 KST 조회 205
그리고 밴시 강화좀

XP월드 시즌2 - 내 캐릭터(전투 대기 중)

레벨 24 경험치 15,583
체력 900 / 900 마나 450 / 450
공격 유형 매직 방어 유형 언아머
방어 40 쿨다운 150
지상 공격력 74~77
백팩 (1/3)

내 아이템

  • 스커지 본 차임
    매 공격시 15% 데미지 만큼 체력을 회복합니다.

    수량: 1

자원 현황

1,353 나무 232


스킬 정보 마나 쿨다운 나무 구매 사용
커스 40 4000 0 0 완료
안티 매직 쉘 75 100 2,500 2,500 완료 -
포제션 75 2000 2,500 5,000 완료
밴시 숙련화 - - 2,500 2,500 완료 -
밴시 전문화 - - 2,500 5,000 완료 -

업그레이드/자원 상점

항목 나무 구매
체력 +10 (Lv. 36) 780 156  
방어 +1 (Lv. 31) 1704 852  
공격력 +1 (Lv. 52) 2020 1313
금 +10 20 SP
나무 +10 50 SP
나무 +5 15 -
나무 +20 60 -
나무 +100 300 -
나무 +1000 3000 -




저 한달정도 뒤면 군대가여




Two skies, Watching it all, fading,
Two skies, Living it all, fading,
Two skies, Watching it all, fading,
Two skies fading, one's abating,
Two suns, Living it all, dying,
Two suns fighting, one's abiding

Two suns, Watching them both fighting,
Two suns, Seeing them both dying,
Two suns, Watching them both fighting,
Two suns fighting, one's abiding,
Two skies, Seeing them both dying,
Two skies fading, one's abating


Crack pipes, needles, PCP and fast cars,
Kind of mix really well in a dead movie star,
When I feel like talking, I'll never be wrong,
If I feel like walking, you best come along

I close my windows,
Crack the heat up high,
Till my palms are wet,
And my tongue is dry

I'm looking for a mother
That’ll get me high
Just a stupid motherfucker
If I die, I die
I'm a midnight fistfight

Looking for a mother
That’ll get me high
Just a stupid motherfucker
If I die, I die
I'm a midnight fistfight

Looking for a mother
That’ll get me high
Just a stupid motherfucker
If I die, I die

I’m looking for a mother
That'll get me high
Just a stupid motherfucker
If I die, I die

Looking for a mother
That'll get me high
Just a stupid motherfucker
If I die, I die

‘Cause I’m looking for a mother
That'll get me high
Just a stupid motherfucker
If I die, I die

I’m looking for a mother
That'll get me high
Just a stupid motherfucker
If I die, I die

Yeah! Alright!
Yeah! Alright! 

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