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작성자 아이콘 Lakia
작성일 2009-03-13 20:13:47 KST 조회 231
엑피월드를 하면서 느낀점을 노래로 표현해 보겠습니다



Like cigarettes and gasoline

I light a match and watch this scene
Burn away in front of me

Ashes of my misery


I swear sometimes I think this life is killing me


I swear it's killin me

All our shattered hopes
And our long dead dreams

The wreckage that we all try to keep
From coming to life
And tearing us apart at the seams


Sun bleached bones and withered trees
Slowly rotting just like me
Empty bottles broken glass 
My resolve is fading fast

I swear sometimes I think this life is killing me


I swear it's killin me
All our shattered hopes
And our long dead dreams
The wreckage that we all try to keep
From coming to life
And tearing us apart at the seams

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